Prostate cancer is a common cancer among American men. On average, it affects males at a later age, particular after they turn 65 (Medical News Today). Naturally, men all over the country have questions about this disease and how to practice safe prevention.
Before we dive deeper into this topic, let’s first identify possible scenarios that may put certain men at higher risk of prostate cancer:
Your Age: As noted above, prostate cancer is more common among men in their 60s and is less likely to occur in men under the age of 40 (American Cancer Society).
Your Genetics: If certain members of your immediate family or relatives have developed prostate cancer, you may be at higher risk; however, it’s important to note that you may still develop this disease, even if no one in your family has been diagnosed.
Your Ethnicity: According to the ACS, though still unclear why, “[p]rostate cancer develops more often in African-American men and in Caribbean men of African ancestry than in men of other races…[it] occurs less often in Asian-American and Hispanic/Latino men than in non-Hispanic whites.”
These are just a few possible risks associated with prostate cancer. What’s important to remember is, even if you have any of aforementioned risk factors, you may not develop this disease. And comparatively, if you don’t have any risk factors, you may still develop prostate cancer.
Early intervention is the best defense against any disease. But with prostate cancer, it may be more difficult for men to detect their symptoms right away. Why is that? Most men don’t experience symptoms during the early stages of prostate cancer (Medical News Today), and some men don’t experience any symptoms at all (CDC). Every person is different and will experience prostate cancer individually.
Nevertheless, it’s important to note that common prostate cancer symptoms may include:
Frequent urination
A slowing of urine flow
Traces of blood in your urine or semen
Because the prostate gland sits between the penis and the bladder, some men may also experience pain or discomfort while sitting down, especially if the prostate gland is enlarged.
How Can Men Prevent Prostate Cancer?
Though there is no scientifically proven way to prevent the development of prostate cancer, many medical experts recommend making healthy lifestyle changes to help lower your risks (Mayo Clinic).
Taking care of your overall health is associated with reduced risk for a variety of diseases, including cancer. This means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, incorporating physical activity into your routine, and avoiding bad habits that can harm your body, including smoking.
But as everyone’s body is different, the number one prostate cancer prevention tip we recommend is meeting with a men’s health expert.
At EveresT, we take a holistic approach to your health and consider a variety of factors before determining whether or not you need medications or if early screening is necessary. How it works is you’ll receive a comprehensive medical exam to evaluate your whole body health, including your vitamin levels, testosterone, blood levels, and body composition.
Once we’ve identified any deficiencies, we will provide you with a personalized medical treatment plan to help you reach your best health possible. This means there is no guesswork when it comes to optimizing your health and wellness. Instead, we have a clear path forward to help you reduce your risk of disease and start feeling like your best self, no matter your age.
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