A decrease in libido (or low sex drive) can affect men at any age, as it’s typically a sign of another underlining condition. For example, changes to your health that require medication usage may cause you to experience a lower sex drive. In addition, certain life events that create higher levels of stress, depression, or anxiety—whether it’s related to your career, family, finances, social or romantic relationships—can affect the balance of male hormones, resulting in a low libido.
The truth is, men at any age can experience a low libido, but as men get older and reach their 50s, they begin to undergo both physical and environmental changes that reduce energy, affect weight gain, or limit the desire for sex.
The Relationship Between Low Testosterone & Low Libido
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone that is responsible for regulating fertility, sex drive, muscle mass, and red blood cell production, among other functions of the male body (Medical News Today). When men’s testosterone levels begin to drop, however, these same areas of the body begin to change and develop certain side effects, including a low libido.
As with low sex drive, Low Testosterone (low T) results from other conditions, such as rapid weight gain, depression, anxiety, certain medications, etc. One is usually a sign of the other and requires professional help and guidance from a men’s health expert to successfully treat. In fact, certain lifestyle changes may help rebalance your hormone levels and allow you to regain a healthy sex drive while improving your energy and focus.
Learn more about EveresT’s Proactive Men’s Health Treatment Plans
Common Misconceptions about a Low Sex Drive
A low libido is often associated with Erectile Dysfunction (ED). “Starting around age 50 (often earlier among smokers and, or, diabetics), erections change… older men lose the ability to raise erections solely from sexual fantasies” (Psychology Today).
How these two conditions differ: a low sex drive means a male is “still” able to achieve an erection during sexual arousal. And though the process may take more time and not last as long, a male is experiencing what Psychology Today refers to as erectile “dissatisfaction” not dysfunction.
To learn more about treating ED problems, contact EveresT today!
Find a Men’s Health Clinic in MN
Feeling exhausted or fatigued? Is a low libido affecting your relationship or confidence? This may be a sign of Low T. To learn how we can help, contact us to schedule a virtual consultation with one of our experienced men’s health providers.
Our team will listen to your concerns and help you create an individualized treatment plan that best addresses the underlying causes of your low libido, so you can get back to feeling your best!