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Low Testosterone and Diabetes in Men

The silhouette of two men flexing against the sunset

Living with diabetes? Or maybe this chronic condition runs in your family. Diabetes affects the way our bodies convert food into energy. 

Foods high in carbohydrates, for example, can cause spikes in blood sugar. Over time, your body may have difficulty managing high blood sugar levels, putting you at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

How this process works

When we consume carbohydrates, our bodies work to break them down into glucose naturally. When glucose enters into the bloodstream, it causes our blood sugar to rise and the pancreas to release a hormone called insulin.

As insulin is responsible for regulating our blood sugar levels, once it’s released, it circulates in our body, allowing our cells to absorb blood sugar and transform it into energy.

When you’re living with type 1 diabetes, your pancreas doesn’t release enough insulin to help your cells absorb blood sugar. And with nowhere to go, it stays in your bloodstream.

With type 2 diabetes, which is the most common type of diabetes, your body produces insulin, but it doesn’t use it correctly, which again, prevents your cells from absorbing blood sugar.

Even if you’re not living with diabetes, it’s important to be aware of how the food you eat, the lifestyle choices you make, and weight management impact blood sugar. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 1 of 3 Americans are living with prediabetes—many of whom are unaware that they even have it.

You may already understand how blood sugar works, but did you know that men are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes than women?

You may also be unaware of how diabetes can affect other aspects of your quality of life, including your sexual health and wellness. 

Diabetes & Low Testosterone

If you’re living with diabetes, you may experience the following men’s health issues: 

  • Low Testosterone (low T)

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Depression

  • Low Energy

  • Obesity

Does Diabetes Cause Low Testosterone

According to the American Diabetes Association, men living with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to experience symptoms of low T than men not affected by this condition. 

Additional research conducted on the correlation between low insulin sensitivity and low testosterone has further indicated that although obesity among diabetic men can increase their risk of low T, rapid weight gain is not always a contributing factor. This means men living with diabetes can still experience low T symptoms, regardless of their body mass index (Medical News Today).

If you’re a man living with diabetes and are experiencing symptoms of Low T (e.g., low libido, low energy, decreased strength, mood changes, etc.), you may be wondering what you can do to help treat the issue.  

The findings in a 2019 clinical trial, “Testosterone Therapy in Men with Hypogonadism Prevents Progression from Prediabetes to Type 2 Diabetes: Eight-Year Data from a Registry Study,” revealed how long-term testosterone therapy can completely prevent the progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes in men living with hypogonadism (or low T) and can also improve glycemia, lipids, and AMS (Aging Male Symptoms) score.


  • 316 men living with prediabetes and low T were analyzed.

  • Of the total participants, 229 men received parenteral testosterone undecanoate compared to 87 men with hypogonadism who served as untreated control subjects.

  • Metabolic and anthropometric parameters were measured twice a year for 8 years.

  • Within the treated group, 90% achieved normal glucose regulation.

  • Within the untreated group, 40.2% of participants progressed to type 2 diabetes.


The research concludes that testosterone therapy may help prevent men from developing type 2 diabetes and low testosterone levels.  

Read more about this study or find additional medical research regarding men’s health issues on our website!

Diabetes and Low Testosterone Treatment

To learn more about diagnosing and managing diabetes, contact EveresT Men’s Health. Our team of men’s health experts will discuss your concerns and evaluate your medical history to determine which service is best for you. 

We currently offer patients testosterone level checks along with a full body composition screening at all three of our clinic locations in Woodbury, Plymouth and Eagan.

To learn more, schedule your appointment today!