June is National Men’s Health Awareness Month. To help commemorate this special event, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the importance of preventative care for men.
DID YOU KNOW that according to a survey conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, two-thirds of male participants admitted to avoiding trips to their clinician? Instead, participants preferred to wait as long as possible to see their doctor, even after experiencing symptoms of an illness or injury.
In fact, men between the ages of 35-54 reported that they’d rather “tough it out” or do household chores than see their primary care provider.
If a large percentage of men avoid going to the doctor for an illness and injury, what does this mean for men’s preventative care?
Remember, preventative care is all about early detection. That means even before you develop symptoms of an illness or condition, your doctor may be able to detect its presence early on, meaning treatment will be less invasive and more successful at addressing the underlying issue.
According to the Cleveland survey and other online resources, the reasons men avoid the doctor are both internal and external.
Internally, men often don’t want to know they have a health problem or would prefer to “self diagnose.”
Externally, social stereotypes concerning men being taught not to discuss their health issues, persuading them to be less transparent with their doctors about their individual symptoms—especially if they take place below the waist.
The truth is, we need to spend less time throwing blame around for why this issue exists, and instead, spend more time helping men rethink their men’s health journey.
Men’s Health Checklist
As you age, your body becomes more prone to certain diseases and conditions. Cardiovascular disease, for example, is the leading cause of death in men. Men are also more prone to developing symptoms of low testosterone (Low T) with age, as well as prostate cancer.
Therefore, it’s important for your clinician to screen for these and other conditions affecting men’s health regularly. This will allow your care team to detect and address any changes in your health and wellness early on.
For men in their 30s, in addition to a physical exam, your doctor may recommend screening for the following:
Blood Pressure
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Your doctor may also recommend other health evaluations, depending on your family’s health history or your own individual condition.
It’s recommended that men under the age of 50 should schedule preventative care (or wellness exams) every 3-5 years. Again, this will depend on your individual circumstances. Therefore, it’s best to talk to your clinician about how often you should schedule screenings and blood testing.
For men in their 40s and 50s, your clinician may recommend colon and prostate screenings, in addition to the screenings listed above.
Remember that in addition to visiting your clinician, you also want to schedule regular checkups with your dental care provider and eye doctor.
Meet with a Men’s Health Specialist
If you’re ready to take your health and wellness journey to the next level, it might be time to meet with a team of professionals who specialize in men’s health issues.
At EveresT Men’s Health, we offer a proactive approach to helping men of all ages reach their maximum potential with services and treatment plans that are customized to your individual health and wellness needs.
Because we understand that men may feel uncomfortable talking about certain health issues that are affecting their libido, we strive to create an environment that is both comfortable and confidential. Our goal is to help you feel your best, from day one. That way you build confidence each day with the ongoing support of our team.
How it works
We offer a comprehensive medical evaluation to help us identify any deficiencies in your body that may be causing you to experience other health-related issues, such as low T, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and more.
From there, we work with you to develop a wellness program that fits your lifestyle and addresses each aspect of your life—ranging from nutritional guidance and exercise to weight and medical management.
How to get started
Make June the month you stay a protective role in your men’s health journey. To learn how to conquer new heights and enjoy lifetime wellness, schedule a consultation at one of our three locations in Plymouth, Woodbury, and Eagan.